Oven steam cooker – simply a great combination
.The equipment of Modern bakingöfen is becoming more and more extensive and allows the preparation of a wide variety of favorite dishes. A special variant is the oven Steamer. All the advantages of an oven are combined with the benefits of a high-end steam cooker. The beneficiaries are you and the people for whom you cook, roast, bake and cook with passion and dedication.
In the online store of KUECHE24 you will therefore find a well-stocked compiled selection of high-quality oven steam cookers. With these, you are able to use a moist heat in addition to the dry heat. During steam cooking, the ingredients of your food are heated gently. This preserves most of the valuable ingredients and prevents them from being burned by excessive heat.
When does an oven steamer make sense for me?
That can actually answer only you yourself. But one thing is clear, the more varied you prepare your food in your home, the more sense a combination of Steamer and oven makes for you. This will save you from having to install two appliances. You can avoid these costs and wasted space by relying on the oven-steam oven combo.
.Oven steam cookers are especially valuable for you if you want to prepare meals under time pressure for your school children or your partner. You can prepare fish, meat and even the side dishes at the same time in such a food Steamer. The reason: the flavors of the individual ingredients do not mix as they do, for example, when roasting.
In an oven steamer you can even perform the popular and from many cooking shows known preparation method of sous vide cooking in a vacuum bag. You don't need an extra basin for this.
No Röstaromen in the steamer, but in the oven
.However, those who like Röstaromen and Röststoffe will not be able to do anything with steam cooking. The energy-saving preparation method can produce these special burns on the surface just as little as a Bräunung. For this you simply turn off the steam cooking mode and use the normal oven.
.With the oven steam cooker you can Ünigen also excellent frozen products or your own frozen dishes gently and carefully defrost. Here, this process is called regeneration.
If you still have questions or want to buy an oven steam cooker online, our KUECHE24 team is looking forward to you.